Breitenbach Hydraulik-Automation mass-produces your appliances with no drop-off in quality.

Geared to your special requirements, we plan, produce and install precisely the appliances you need, on-site:
- Drive power up to 90 kW
- Pressure up to 700 bar
- Static or mobile
- Appliances with completely electrical control systems
- Appliances with electrical output strips
- Pure’ appliances
- Free choice of models and makes
- Media: ‘classic’ HLP hydraulic oil, HFC water glycol and clear water
- Over 2,000 finished appliances in approx. 1,800 versions to date
- Over 30 years’ experience in installation construction, assembly and commissioning
Worldwide uses of Breitenbach Hydraulik appliances:
- Industrial hydraulics
- Abattoirs
- Candle factories
- Forestry and agricultural machinery
- Building machinery
- Machine tools
- Punching machines
- Presses
- Plastic injection moulding machines
- Ship hydraulics
- The chemical industry
- and so on …