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Oil service appliances for hire

Breitenbach GmbH will be glad to provide the right oil service appliances for your installations.

OF7S10P1 M1B10E

Portable oil service appliance, 0.18 kW, 15 l/min, 3.5 bar, filter elements from 3 to 20 µm

Price: 15 per day / € 80 per week
Provision: € 29

Filter element: 0160MAXXBN


Mobile oil service appliance, 0.37 kW, 15 l/min, 4.5 bar, 2 µm filter elements with very high dirt-retention capacity

(Similar to illustration).

Price: 25 per day / € 140 per week
Provision: € 79

Filter element: N15DMXXX


Mobile oil service appliance, 0.75 kW, 30 l/min, 4.5 bar, filter elements from 3 to 20 mµ plus drainage element 3 to 40 µm
(Similar to illustration).

Price: € 24 per day / € 139 per week
Provision: € 79

Filter element: 1300 R XX BN/HC/-KB

Please note:

The filter devices are cleaned and checked before despatch.

Unfortunately, this means that we must charge for any subsequent damage.

Consumables such as filter elements are not included in the rental.
Prices are ex-VAT, ex-works and excluding carriage and packaging.

For further information or to make bookings, please contact: Mr. Rumpf +49 (0)69 9420 150